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Mobile Kino zeigt “Raving Iran”

Mobile Kino zeigt den Film “Raving Iran”

Mittwoch, 14. 09. 2016
21:00 Uhr
Griessmuehle (Sonnenallee 221, 12059 Berlin)

Anoosh and Arash are at the center of Tehran’s underground techno scene. Tired of hiding from the police and their stagnating career, they organize one last manic techno rave under dangerous circumstances in the desert. Back in Tehran they try their luck selling their illegally printed music album without permission. When Anoosh is arrested, there seems to be no hope left. But then they receive a phone call from the biggest techno festival in the world. Once landed in Switzerland, the haze of the instant euphoria evaporates quickly when the seriousness of the situation starts to dawn on them.

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